If you are using Internet Explorer 5, upgrading to IE 6 or IE 7 can often resolve this issue.If you are unable to temporarily disable your firewall, please try opening ports 80 and 22.
The most common cause of this type of error is a firewall, proxy server, or similar product preventing the program from properly contacting the correct servers at Shockwave.
Make sure you are not behind a firewall or other heightened security measure. If you use any ad-blocking or security software, please disable it temporarily. Make sure that the date on your computer is set correctly. If the security is set too high, you might be blocked from accessing our server. Please check the security zone setting of your Internet browser's preferences. Be sure you are connected to the Internet before opening the program. Please review the following list of helpful troubleshooting tips: The "Failed to contact " message indicates that your browser or computer's security settings are not allowing the downloaded game to communicate with our server during the unlock process. I'm receiving a "Failed to contact " message when entering my key information. Under "Contact Shockwave regarding", be sure to select 'Questions about a game I bought' from the menu. If you need further assistance registering your game, please send us a message using the contact us form. If you have installed a different version of the same game (from a different Website), please delete it, then download and install the Shockwave version. Shockwave license keys will only work on Shockwave games. Please make sure that you are entering your license key into the correct game. A license key for one game will not work for other games. Important! - Punctuation and hidden spaces are not permitted - make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces in either your registration name or license key.Īlso note that many games have similar titles. To paste: Click in the box where the registration name or license key is to be entered, then press the Ctrl and V keys simultaneously.
To copy: Use your mouse to select your registration name or license key, then press the Ctrl and C keys simultaneously. To avoid errors when entering your license key or registration name, the best thing to do is copy and paste them directly into their respective fields: Your name and code must be spelled, spaced, and capitalized exactly as they appear in the email - no matter how you regularly spell, space, or capitalize your name. Please double check that you are entering the license key and registration name (if applicable) EXACTLY as they appear in your registration email. When I try to register my game it doesn't unlock.